PROVERB Fortune favors the bold
Meaning: People who are brave and who take risks are more successful than people
who are do things safely all the time
Example: It's a risk, but the reward could be great. I say you go for it.
Fortune favors the bold.
PROVERB If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself
Meaning: Don't depend on someone else to do a good job; do it yourself
Example: I asked my roommate to wash the dishes, but they ended up super filthy!
I guess it's true what they say: if you want something done right, you have to
do it yourself.
PROVERB Knowledge is power
Meaning: The more you know, the more powerful you can be in different areas of
your life
Example: When we were kids, our parents taught us how to swim. That knowledge
helped me to save my cousin's life when he was 5 years old. Knowledge is power.
PROVERB Laughter is the best medicine.
Meaning: When you are in a difficult situation, laughing can make it easier to
get through that situation
Example: I am sorry to hear about your dog. Want to watch a funny movie?
Sometimes, laughter is the best medicine.
PROVERB: Necessity is the mother of invention.
Meaning: When you really need something, you find a way to meet the need
Example: When the strap of my sandals came off while I was in the office, I
stapled it back. Necessity is the mother of invention, you know!
PROVERB: Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Meaning: Do not delay a task if you can do it immediately
Example: Don't leave the drawing incomplete, you should never put off until
tomorrow what you can do today.
PROVERB: Practice makes perfect.
Meaning: You become better at a skill by practising it
Example: Don’t give up if you can't do it right the first time, remember
practice makes perfect.
PROVERB: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Meaning: A true friend is one who helps you when you need it
Example: He helped me with the notes while I was sick, a friend in need is a
friend indeed.
Mind your own business.
Meaning: To not interfere in someone else's matter
Example: Will you please mind your own business and stop telling me what to do?
PROVERB: Practice what you preach.
Meaning: Follow what you want others to follow
Example: You always tell us to reach early and yourself come late. You should
practice what you preach.